The Second International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking
Casablanca, May 30 - June 1st, 2016
UNet is an international scientific event that highlights new trends and findings in hot topics related to ubiquitous computing/networking. This second edition will be held on May 30, 2016, in the fascinating city of Casablanca, Morocco. UNet16 is technically sponsored by IEEE Morocco Section and IEEE COMSOC Morocco Chapter.
Ubiquitous networks sustain development of numerous paradigms/ technologies such as distributed ambient intelligence, context-awareness, cloud computing, wearable devices, and future mobile networking (e.g., B4G and 5G). Various domains are then impacted by such a system, one cite security and monitoring, energy efficiency and environment protection, e-health, precision agriculture, intelligent transportation, home-care (e.g., for elderly and disabled people), etc.. Communication in such a system has to cope with many constraints (e.g., limited capacity resources, energy depletion strong fluctuations of traffic, Real-time paradigm, dynamic network topology, radio link breakage, interferences, etc.) and has to meet the new application requirements. Ubiquitous systems bring many promising paradigms aiming to deliver significantly higher capacity to meet the huge growth of mobile data traffic and to accommodate efficiently dense and ultra-dense systems. A crucial challenge is that ubiquitous networks should be engineered to better support existing and emerging applications including broadband multimedia, machine-to-machine applications, Internet of things, sensor networks and RFID technologies. Many of these systems require stringent quality-of-service (QoS) including better latency, reliability, higher spectral and energy efficiency, but also some quality-of-experience and quality-of-context constraints.
The main purpose of this symposium is to serve as a forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss recent developments in pervasive and ubiquitous networks. This conference will provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, debate on identified challenges and share experiences among researchers and professionals. UNet aims also to promote adoption of new methodologies and to provide the participants with advanced and innovative tools able to catch the fundamental dynamics of the underlying complex interactions (e.g., game theory, Mechanism Design theory, Learning theory, SDR platforms, etc.). Papers describing original research on both theoretical and practical aspects of pervasive computing and future mobile computing (e.g., LTE-A, LTE-B, 5G) are invited for submission to UNet 2016.